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For avoidance of doubt Dancers Network always advises talent to contact their agent immediately if and when approached for a casting via social media. In the circumstances talent is contacted by a casting director/agency through social media the following Code of Conduct sets out minimum standards for the conduct of all those involved in order to ensure any communication is conducted professionally, safely and with respect for the dignity and wellbeing of potential talent. The following procedures shall apply:

1. Only official accounts linked to the casting director/agency will be used in the process.



2. A standard message format shall be developed and used by the casting director/agency for making first contact with talent.



3. The standard message shall direct the talent to make contact with either their agency or the casting director through mainstream communication channels, such as email, telephone.



4. There shall only be one message sent through social media, (other than to chase up following the initial message, where no contact has been made by the talent with the director or chosen agency).



5. Contact through social media shall use professional language, be honest and truthful, and shall reFlect the high professional standards and respect for the dignity and wellbeing of talent.



6. No contact with talent shall include sexual references, any bullying or coercive behaviour.



7. No contact shall be made with children under the age of 16. Where the casting director/agency is unable to establish age the initial contact message shall seek to establish this, with verification being carried out further into the casting process.



8. Breach of any of the above standards by casting director/agency staff shall be treated as a disciplinary matter, likely to constitute gross misconduct giving rise to dismissal.



9. Where a casting director/agency identifies potentially criminal behaviour in the social media scouting process by a member of its staff, or is unsure whether such behaviour has the potential to constitute criminal behaviour, the matter shall be referred to the police.

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